F R A N K  P O R T H O U S E
Draughtsman – Artist – Architectural designer

A 55 year career in architecture has formed the basis of Frank’s artistic style. His work as an award-winning designer has ranged from urban expansions through to bespoke housing, industrial and commercial schemes, including urban art.  Frank’s design work mainly covers the home counties (Beds, Bucks and Herts) but is also nationally and internationally recognised. By contrast, free form drawing has allowed Frank’s design ethic to flex beyond the constraint of regulation, predictability and control.

This website shows a selection of works including digitally rendered ink sketches, watercolours and architectural images depicting a variety of subjects including, buildings, vehicles, portraits, animal life and movement in sport. If you have any bespoke requests, please feel free to get in touch via e-mail at

We hope you enjoy browsing the wide variety of Frank’s artistic techniques online, and find what you are looking to purchase, prints, greeting cards, mugs, postcards and tote bags of selected images.

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